I am a…

life update

  • Please See Me, But Do Not Perceive Me.

    Please See Me, But Do Not Perceive Me.

    I’ve said this line multiple times over the last few months. I’ve said it to my partner. I’ve said it to friends. In fervent anxiety, I’ve said this to my therapist in an attempt to explain the depth of my feelings about why I tend to withhold many of the things that happen in…

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  • My Therapist Says I Need To Make Friends

    My Therapist Says I Need To Make Friends

    I’m lying. My therapist is amazing. What actually happened was that I told her that I was lonely. I told her that I wished I had more community around me that had interests that aligned with my interests, and expectations that aligned with my expectations. My therapist told me I needed to be two…

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  • A Box for Everything, and Everything in its Box

    A Box for Everything, and Everything in its Box

    When I come into a new year, be it a new cycle, a new phase in life, or whatever arbitrary beginning I decide feels appropriate, I have a process, and that process is that I have a box for everything. All the bits and parts of me that I could plan and plan around,…

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  • Hello, 2014. It’s 2024.

    Hello, 2014. It’s 2024.

    It’s hard to describe the feeling of seeing a blank screen in this context again. Blogging. It’s 2014 again, and all I’m worrying about is graduating and being consumed by 20-year-old angst. As I sit here, I’m still that 20-year-old. In many ways, I’m still looking for the same things 20-year-old me was looking…

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